webpack 4.6, Hyper 2, and designing large JS applications

webpack 4.6, Hyper 2, and designing large JS applications - Hallo sahabat Smartphone android, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul webpack 4.6, Hyper 2, and designing large JS applications, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

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webpack 4.6, Hyper 2, and designing large JS applications

#382 — April 20, 2018

Read on the Web

JS Weekly

Designing (Very) Large JavaScript Applications — A written version of a talk given by Google's Malte Ubl at JSConf Australia that took a high level look at modularity, lazy loading code, and similar concepts. Video, if you prefer that.

Malte Ubl

VuePress: A Vue-Powered Static Site Generator — Enjoy the dev experience of using Vue and webpack, use Vue components in Markdown, and develop custom themes with Vue.

Evan You

webpack 4.6 Released with Prefetch/Preload Support — Preloading can bring down the number of round-trips needed to load a page, while prefetching can speed up future navigations. Here's how it works. The release itself is here.

Tobias Koppers

New Course: From Fundamentals to Functional JavaScript, v2 😀 — Learn the techniques you need to write professional, modern JavaScript. This course starts with the basics and takes you to mastering key functional methods like map, reduce and filter ...plus promises and ES6+ asynchronous JavaScript.

Frontend Masters sponsor

Introduction to the Stimulus FrameworkStimulus is a framework from Basecamp that augments your HTML using controllers.

Ilya Bodrov

What You Can Expect From Node.js 10 — The first release of Node 10 is due next Tuesday (April 24th) and will go LTS in October, but what's new? HTTP/2 support, organized coded errors, and more.

Tierney Cyren

Hyper 2: A Terminal Built on Web Technologies — Hyper takes a few steps forward with a much faster rendering engine, an online plugin/theme catalog, and improved hyperlink support. GitHub repo.


Is It Time to Give Up on the Name 'JavaScript'? — Oracle's alleged cease and desist order over an iOS app's use of "JavaScript" in its title highlights an issue with the language's nomenclature.

James Sanders

Grasshopper: A Mobile JS Training App for Beginners — One to share with anyone you know who'd like a quick, fun way to learn some JavaScript on their phone (Android or iOS) - note that it's very entry level.

Area 120

You're Invited to Slack's Developer Conference, Spec, on May 22

Slack sponsor

The Future of Vue.js in 5 Minutes

Gregg Pollack

💻 Jobs

JavaScript Developer at X-Team (Remote) — We help our developers keep learning and growing every day. Unleash your potential. Work from anywhere. Join X-Team.


Senior Software Engineer (NYC) — Hospitality/tech platform focused on building help into our homes. React, React Native, Node, TypeScript, PostgreSQL.

Hello Alfred

Are You an Engineer in NY or SF? Know Your Worth, Check Out Woo.io — Create your discreet profile today and receive opportunities from top US companies who can pay you what you're worth.


📘 Tutorials

How to Get Started with Immutable.js

William Woodhead

Extending Native DOM Elements with Web Components

Leon Revill

Scroll to the Future: Scrolling on the Modern Web — Affecting scrolling with the latest CSS and JS features.

Anna Selezniova and Andy Barnov

The Future of Operations: 6 Shifts Worth Noting — DevOps has grown. Here are six patterns that are shifting the scope of software delivery automation.

CircleCI sponsor

Learn to Visualize Data with D3 in 10 Interactive Tutorials

Per Harald Borgen

▶  Visual Studio Code Can Do That?VS Code often surveys as the most popular editor in the JS space, so this collection of videos may be handy.

Burke Holland and Sarah Drasner

Traversing the DOM with JavaScript

Zell Liew

🔧 Code and Tools

Redux 4.0 Released: The Predictable State Container

Text Mask: Text Input Masking, with Wrappers for Frameworks — e.g. for phone, date, currency, emails, and similar data types.

Text Mask

Slugify: Simply Turns Strings into URL/Filename-Friendly 'Slugs' — e.g. 'I ♥ Dogs' becomes 'i-love-dogs'

Sindre Sorhus

Vekta: A JavaScript Vector Type with GLSL-Inspired 'Swizzling' — 'Swizzling' is a way to quickly rearrange vector elements.


Fix Production Bugs in Seconds with Sentry — Relying on users to report bugs? 500K devs see unminified code right in Sentry's stack trace with source maps.

Sentry sponsor

Underscore.js 1.9.0 Released — Here's a blast from the past, 3 years after its last release.

Ember 3.1 and 3.2 Beta Released

Melanie Sumner and Kenneth Larsen

slate-md-editor: A Markdown Editor Built on Top of Slate

Maximilian Stoiber

Mailtrain: A Self-Hosted Newsletter Sending App — If you want a self-hosted Mailchimp-esque system, say.


pico.js: Client-Side Face Detection with JavaScriptGitHub repo.


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